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An chéad chiorcal comhrá? Frásaí Úsáideacha

Jul 5

1 min read




If you're going to join your first conversation circle, it's nice to have some handy phrases. Below you'll find some great ones that come up regularly. Try using and to get the pronunciation!

  1. Is deas bualadh leat -- it’s nice to meet you

  2. Agus tú féin chomh maith -- and you also

  3. Gabh mo leithscéal -- excuse me

  4. Cinnte -- certainly

  5. Níl mé cinnte -- I’m not certain 

  6. Níl a fhios agam -- I don’t know

  7. Níor mhaith liom a rá -- I wouldn’t care to say

  8. Abair arís é -- say that again

  9. labhair níos moille, le do thoil -- Speak slower please 

  10. Ní thuigim -- I don’t understand

  11. Ní thuigim an focal _____ -- I don’t understand the word ____

  12. An féidir leat an focal sin a rá i mbearla? -- Can you say that word in English?

  13. Conás a deirtear ______ as gaeilge? -- how do you say ____ in Irish?

  14. cad é an Ghaeilge ar '____'? -- what's the Irish for '____'? 

  15. Cá fhad? -- how long

  16. Cá fhad atá tú ag foghlaim na Gaeilge? -- How long have you been learning Gaeilge?

  17. Thosaigh me ag foghlaim na Gaeilge i mí _____ -- I began learning in the month of _____


Thosaigh mé ag foghlaim na Gaeilge anuraidh -- I began learning Irish last year

Thosaigh mé ag foghlaim na Gaeilge i mí Feabhra an bhliain seo caite -- I began learning Irish February last year.


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