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What's on?

This is a beginner friendly ciorcal comhrá and study group for the Fáinne Airgid test. It will meet every Tuesday, starting September 10th.

Advanced speakers encouraged to attend to help. Drop in any time!

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Meets every Thursday, 8:30 PM Irish time on Google Meets. Materials provided. This is an on-going meetup. Drop-ins welcome!

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Our Monthly Webinar

We invite anyone in our community to submit a talk to our monthly webinar below. Talks will be offered in either Irish, English, or both. A small donation to the speaker and a portion of proceeds from our buy me a coffee link are offered as compensation. Suggested topics include:

  • your experience working in the Irish language

  • your Irish language Journey

  • Sample lessons and Grammar workshops

  • Talks on the state of the Irish language

  • Academic talks

  • OR suggest a topic in the submission form on this page!

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We will be reviewing the questions from the Fáinne Airgid test and then slowly begin to incorporate questions from the Fáinne Óir test. All levels encouraged to attend. Drop-ins welcome.

Meets every Wednesday, 7pm Irish time.

Starts October 9th.

*We will meet with the Beginner Conversation Group on October 2nd!

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These groups are spaces for people to discuss the intricacies of their prefered dialect and to record dialectical idioms. Members are encouraged to arrange ciorcal comhrá when desired and may request admin privileges to do so.

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Submit a talk for our monthly webinar

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