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How to join and contribute to Club An Fháinne

Jun 30

4 min read




Club An Fháinne is a free-of-charge online platform intended to enable Irish language group formation and participation of study groups and ciorcail comhrá (conversation circles). Think of it like social media for gaeilgeoirs!

Additionally, teachers offering private lessons and individuals who speak Irish as part of their professional activities are invited to participate and inform the community of relevant news in relation to the Irish language.

Club An Fháinne is a great way for Gaeilgeoirí to easily share their knowledge (and easily volunteer for short bursts of time) by popping in maybe once a week and quickly helping somebody out in the comments. However, there is plenty for you on this platform, as it was created with you in mind as well, if you are already a proficient Irish speaker. There are also gaeilge amháin and dialectical channels for you to participate in or you can create a group. If requested, you can be made an admin of any of these groups to arrange regular meet-ups.

For more involved participants, anyone can form an Irish language group such as a study group, book club, or ciorcal comhrá on this platform.

To keep the standards high, participants are encouraged to indicate and verify any qualifications they have on their profile. Send us a message and Club An Fháinne will provide you with a badge that will be displayed on your profile.

If you are interested in giving a talk at one of our monthly webinars, please reach out to:

If you are a certified Irish teacher who offers Irish language lessons as part of your professional activities off-platform, you are welcome to advertise your services in the main group twice a month! We only require that you are an active member of Club An Fháinne (see bylaws).

All groups on the Club An Fháinne platform are free-of-charge but we are happy to support our community as a whole. Please let us know if we can form a partnership with you. And remember to sign up to our email list to stay up to date as members are not-automatically enrolled in the email subscription.

Instructions for on-boarding can be found below or in the welcome video on the home page.

The following instructions demonstrate the basic sign-up and notification management from the mobile site. They are very similar to the instructions for the desktop site shown in the video. **images coming soon

How to Join

  • You can subscribe to our mailing list at the bottom of the page for general news

  • Click on the Become a member button on the home page or navigate to the member page in the menu (three parallel lines in the mobile site)

  • Follow the sign up procedure. If you already have an account, you can click log in.

  • You will now see the members page where your profile is available. You can see any badges you have been given here.

  • You can now navigate to the groups page

  • Please join our main group. This is where you will go to join other groups. You can click on these groups to see their "about sections" before you join.

  • All groups are private and discussions will only be visible to members.

  • when you are approved you will see that it is available in the "my groups" tab and you will have a notification at the bell icon

  • In individual groups, you can make posts in discussions

  • relevant files and media will be stored in the associated tabs as you make posts.

  • You can also message groups or individual members in the members chat!

Change your settings

  • Not advised: you can change your general setting under "my account"

  • Reccomended: you can set individual rules for each group by clicking the 3 dots in the right hand corner and setting the rules for which notifications you would like to receive.

How to make a group

  • Any member can make a group.

  • Please hit + groups, send in your request, and I will give you admin privileges over your group

  • Each group has a share button where you can get a link or share on social media sites

Contribute to our site

  • If you Enjoy Club An Fháinne and you would like to help, you can contribute by:

    • Popping into comments to help individuals iMprove their irish

    • Helping with translation of materials and the site

    • leading a group

    • Help us with publicity

    • or you can request to contribute to our blog

  • contact to be invited as a contributor and/or writer

  • Blogs can be made public or members only.

    • Our community will be able to comment on it to give you feedback if you're using the blog to practice your written Irish or summarise a concept you're learning about

    • If you're an experienced Gaeilgeoir, our community can ask for more content they'd like to see!

      • If you have a buy me a coffee link, feel free to link it in any post you make!

Ok, sin é! GRMMA agus feachfaidh mé go luath thú! slán go foil!


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